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Posts & Blog

Thursday  July 23, 2020


My mantra this week is 'Nurture yourself.'

Nurture your skin, your body, your spirit, your psyche, and your well-being.

Put energy and time into the things that help you thrive.
Show kindness and patience to yourself and your space.


Gene Lee, MD // Gene Lee Skin Clinic
⋅ Cell:‬ (707) 533-4363
⋅ Instagram: GeneLeeMD

My aim is to provide personalized skin care with results.


Let's plan a free evaluation to discuss more about botulinum toxins like Botox®  and Xeomin® 

For smoother, younger looking skin,

click here to book an appointment.

New Patients: Click 'Patient Portal' or QR code. 

Click "New Patient Registration," and verify the OTP code.

Complete your medical information.
Then, we can schedule a visit or consultation.

Botox Xeomin Emsculpt Hillcrest San Diego
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